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Welcome to my PAGE!!

I do appreciate you guys for a click on my own blog website...This is all where I somehow share my own life with..... I sometime express how I feel, what I love, and yeah how my LIFE is for just now..........Hope you enjoy my PAGE.. and Thank for the viewing!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


How to get free LINE stickers from Japan, Thailand, and Taiwan Market ( Only for iOS devices )

There are several steps you should have done in order to get it.... So please follow me here:

1/ Go to More ---> Setting ---> Email Registration ---> Register Email ( Make sure you remember your password well )

2/ Delete your LINE app from your device and re-download it

After done downloading it

3/ Go to LINE and choose "LINE User Login"

4/ Fill in the box with your e-mail and password you have just set

5/ Choose "Verify Later"

6/ Click on "Agree to terms" --->Next

7/ This is an important part "Choose one country above as I mentioned in the photo ( I recommended you to choose Thai and Taiwan first then start to do for Japan sticker as Japan Market provided u many free stickers - 8 sets for just now ---> Choose ---> Ok

8/ Go to more ---> Sticker Shop ---> Stickers ---> New or/and Events (Add friend, to get it free)

PS: Don't register your phone number if possible because Japan Market always updates you free stickers ( if you register your phone number, you will no longer stay in Japan or any countries market, but Cambodia market ) ... and No doubt why i recommend you to choose Japan after other countries...

Feel free to leave me any question here.